Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New Song?

It is a wonder what putting your words on "paper" can do for you. Ranting about guitar yesterday got me to sit down after work and start and finish a new song for guitar and vocals. I have not done that in a while. Felt pretty good. I am not sure how much I like the song because it is kind of sad, but it is a song nonetheless. They can not all be great, but if you write more and more you will inevitably run into the really good ones because you have your mind running in the right direction.

Maybe that is all I really needed. To vocally say what I have been feeling about my work and about music in general to get me to thinkn more about it and actually take action to do something about it. I think this was a really good idea for me to start this blog. Funny how watching tv shows can influence things.

I watched all of season one of "Californication" over the weekend because my brother bought it on Saturday, crazy awesome show by the way. And the lead character at one point to get his novel writing back on track was pushed by his agent to take on a blog to write every day and get in the habit again cause he had not written a piece in something like ten years. The show went a different direction as to how he got his muse back, but it got me to thinking about that myself and if writing would help. Even though I write music, writing my thoughts out on paper so-to-speak has been cthardic and helpful.

Now if only that made everything else in life easier...

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